Archive of: 2006
Web development books for 2007
22 December 2006 by
Books that I'm looking forward to reading in 2007: Bulletproof Ajax
by Jeremy Keith. As a follow-up to DOM Scripting, this should be a clear and insightful read
Strange website behavior from a large company
17 December 2006 by
Sometimes, the largest companies make mistakes with their websites. I used to assume that big corporate enterprises have large budgets and teams of website developers that are fully aware of cross-browser problems and the latest techniques. Perhaps not if my recent experience is anything to go by.
CSS books for your bookshelf
08 December 2006 by
I am reading two excellent CSS books at the moment. Both books are clearly written and I have found them easy to follow.
Using Aardvark Firefox extension
28 November 2006 by
Following on from a previous post, another tool I have been using recently is the Aardvark Firefox extension or add-on.
Jay talks jQuery
22 November 2006 by
Last night I attended the seventh Sussex Geek Dinner (ably organised by Simon Harriyott once again) where Jay Gooby from Snipperoo gave a presentation about jQuery, which is a newish JavaScript library.
Use more than one CSS class
21 November 2006 by
With CSS, it’s possible to use more than one class on any (X)HTML element. This is a useful technique that can help avoid CSS style sheet bloat. Here’s an example that I used recently.
How to X-ray your webpage
13 November 2006 by
Here's a nice extension (sorry, add-on) to Firefox that I find really useful. It's called X-Ray by Stuart Robertson
ReviewMe reviewed - get paid for writing reviews
10 November 2006 by
ReviewMe is an interesting new service that promises to connect bloggers with advertisers. Nothing new with that, you may say.
Google loses it?
06 November 2006 by
Is it me or has Google 'lost it' recently? Google always prides itself on the relevance and accuracy of its search results. However, these days, Google's search results for specific keywords sometimes make no sense at all.
CSS attribute selectors - clever styling
06 November 2006 by
I am reading CSS Mastery [the book] [the website] by Andy Budd at the moment. After reading the first chapters and a few other pages, I have already come across an interesting CSS usage that I should have been more aware of.
Website needed for family or friends?
31 October 2006 by
A diet of freebie websites doesn’t pay the bills
I sometimes get asked to create websites for family and friends. This can be a difficult area for any web developer/designer because, whilst you would often like to help, it’s sometimes not practical because of other work commitments. At the same time, these projects are often unpaid and a diet of freebie websites may be great for a portfolio page – but it doesn’t pay the bills!
CSS Tip - use a separate stylesheet for testing
27 October 2006 by
If you are using cascading style sheets (CSS) on a new website design, it’s probable that you will be testing new style sheet rules. For example, you may be creating a series of rules for a portfolio page perhaps in order to test different layouts. Or, you may be creating a new navigation menu that you want to test on specific pages.
CSS example layouts
24 October 2006 by
Dynamic Drive has usually published JavaScript and 'dynamic HTML' script examples. In particular, it has some well-tested cross-browser examples of image slideshow effects.
Microformats everywhere
20 October 2006 by
Yesterday, I atttended the London WSG Meeting – Microformats. Here’s my quick review.
Books for CSS web designers - Part 2
18 October 2006 by
This is the second of a series of articles where I review books that are aimed at CSS web designers.I know. DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith is a book about JavaScript and the rather mysterious world of the Document Object Model (DOM). Why is it a book for CSS designers? Hang on, I'll explain.
Website accessibility - a client asks!
13 October 2006 by
I talk to potential clients every month and I usually illustrate specific website aspects by giving a quick ‘guided tour’ of recent websites that CVW Web Design has developed. Nothing new in that.
Microformats meeting in London
11 October 2006 by
After hearing about Microformats in the lunchbreak at d.Construct 2006 last month, I'm looking forward to the Web Standards Group London meeting with a Microformats theme on 19th October
Sussex geeks and Plone
05 October 2006 by
Last night I attended the sixth Sussex Geek Dinner (in fact, more of a buffet this time) in Brighton to meet a few fellow techie/geek types and hear an interesting and knowledgeable presentation.
Books for CSS web designers
01 October 2006 by
Over the last few weeks I have been reading two books, Bulletproof Web Design by Dan Cederholm and DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith. At first glance, they are completely different subjects but if you are someone who regularly works with cascading style sheets (CSS), I think you will find both very useful (perhaps for different reasons). In the first article of a series, I review the Bulletproof approach…
Review of Windows Live Writer and Textpattern
24 September 2006 by
Windows Live Writer is a blogging tool (in beta) that lets you post to a blog from your desktop without using your blog admin. For a few reasons, I was interested in trying it out with Textpattern.
A to Z of Cascading Style Sheets
21 September 2006 by
Partly inspired by a recent article on A List Apart, here’s my unofficial A to Z of CSS.
Using microformats and hCard
15 September 2006 by
After seeing microformats described with some passion by Jeremy Keith during the lunchbreak at d.Construct 2006 last week, I decided to add a simple hCard microformat to a couple of websites
Using Zoundry with Textpattern
12 September 2006 by
Following on from the previous post, I am also trying out Zoundry as a blog editor.
Windows Live Writer with Textpattern
11 September 2006 by
I like Textpattern as a blogging tool myself but it's not so great for clients who want to use it to update their own websites.
Deconstructed - d.Construct 2006 review
10 September 2006 by
I attended the web development conference d.Construct 2006 last week. Overall, it was a very good meeting with some interesting and entertaining presentations. Here’s my take on it.
Get your own Web 2.0 logo
03 September 2006 by
There are many websites that are associated with 'Web 2.0' – and quite a few of them1 use a reflective text logo. Well, now you can get your own with the Web 2.0 Logo Creator.
Beginning CSS Web Development
23 August 2006 by
There’s a new CSS book published in a few weeks. Beginning CSS Web Development is written by Simon Collison.
Create a web design inspiration portfolio
21 August 2006 by
I keep a lot of websites in my mind as sources of ideas and inspiration but I thought it would be useful to have a visual representation of these. So, I have created a photoset on Flickr containing screenshots of some of my favourite websites.
CSS optimization tools
19 August 2006 by
A useful comparison of four CSS optimization tools and testing them on stylesheets from six popular websites.
Banner ads - who needs 'em!
17 August 2006 by
I have a few websites of my own that I operate on a minimal income basis. Over the years, I have tried various forms of advertising in an attempt to garner some income. The main aim being to cover costs. Well, after several years, I think I’ve finally given up on banner ads.
jQuery has the answer
14 August 2006 by
Recently, we wanted to add a show/hide paragraph effect for older pub reviews on the Horsham Pub Guide. A show/hide effect means that the older reviews are intially hidden when the page loads but they can be revealed by clicking a simple link.
Five favourite web developer blogs
08 August 2006 by
I realised recently that I follow a lot of web developer blogs. Here’s a few of my personal faves (in no particular order).
Valid (X)HTML, Dreamweaver and unencoded ampersands
04 August 2006 by
One of the reasons why a webpage might not pass the W3C markup validation test is unencoded ampersands in the link URLs. This can often happen with links provided by affiliate schemes. You copy and paste the link code into your valid (X)HTML page and, lo and behold, the page no longer validates. Well, Dreamweaver can help.
Podcasts for d.Construct 2006
31 July 2006 by
In preparation for the web development conference d.Construct 2006, I have been listening to the pre-conference podcasts provided by the organisers Clearleft.
CSS layouts for forms
25 July 2006 by
We have been looking to replace a tables-based form layout with its CSS equivalent for some time. At last, we had a few spare hours and it was time to get rid of those pesky tables once and for all from a couple of websites. In the end, we found a solution but it’s not perfect and several other methods required more time to test than we had available. Here’s the story so far.
Organise your CSS
21 July 2006 by
When you are working with style sheets, it’s all too easy to end up with a long list of rules – and it starts to become more and more difficult to find your way around when editing your CSS file. I’ve made a decision to become a bit better organised in future.
Web Standards Group meeting report
17 July 2006 by
I attended the WSG London meeting a few days ago. There were two entertaining presentations by Andy Budd and Christian Heilmann.
How important is valid HTML for search engine rankings?
05 July 2006 by
There’s a lot of discussion in web designer/developer circles about valid HTML and search engine rankings. If your site has valid HTML or XHTML, will it have better search engine rankings than a website with HTML errors and warnings? My answer would be ‘Yes’.
Text align property causes CSS problems
03 July 2006 by
We were working on a fairly complex stylesheet recently where the text-align property caused some problems with Internet Explorer.
Income for website owners
26 June 2006 by
If you are the proud owner of a new website, you may be considering various income streams from advertising. Text links and other textual advertising, for example Google AdSense, are often better income sources than banner ads. Text Link Ads are one way of generating income using textual advertising.
Google spreadsheets
06 June 2006 by
Google has announced an online spreadsheet application on a limited trial basis.It's interesting to see more and more online applications like this.
How to improve your AdSense income
03 June 2006 by
You may be making a few dollars/pounds/euros from Google AdSense on your website but wouldn’t it be nice to improve your income? Our experience is that giving your website a design makeover will often increase income AdSense levels…
Comparing Apple Mac and Windows
27 May 2006 by
I worked at a client’s office last week and had the opportunity to compare Windows XP with Apple Mac and, in particular, Dreamweaver on both platforms.
Check your colour contrast
15 May 2006 by
You’ve come up with a nice color scheme for your new website but does it have enough contrast? Does it satisfy W3C guidelines for colour contrast?
CSS outline property
11 May 2006 by
I was reading through a CSS Cheat Sheet (as you do) and I came across the CSS2 outline property. I must admit, this was new to me and at first it seemed quite interesting.
Google search tips
08 May 2006 by
Google Guide has published a useful crib sheet with Google searching tips and advanced search operators. Some of these come from the Google Cheat Sheet but it’s still a useful reminder of all the different searches that Google supports.
Horsham Pub Guide 2006
04 May 2006 by
Over the last few days, we’ve been working on a new design for Horsham Pub Guide. For this project we decided to use a three column CSS stylesheet/layout.
Google AdSense case studies
19 April 2006 by
It’s always interesting to read website case studies that describe how AdSense optimisation has increased advertising revenues. The Google AdSense blog has published three recent examples.
New web standards website
17 April 2006 by
Bite Size Standards is a new website offering “concise web development tutorials, tips and tricks".
CSS web templates for inspiration?
14 April 2006 by
There are many websites that provide CSS web templates and they can offer some advantages when creating a website for a client.
Web standards in a nutshell
08 April 2006 by
Natalie Jost has published a neat diagram showing web standards in a nutshell. I'd never really thought about the separation of content from presentation from behaviour in a pictorial or diagrammatic form before – but this is a neat way of showing it!
How to explain CSS
27 March 2006 by
I was contacted recently by someone who wanted to learn Dreamweaver by editing some simple layouts. Nothing wrong with that. I was asked to provide a simple ‘dummy’ layout as a practice aid but then we encountered a few problems.
Rounded corners with CSS - more Nifty Corners
22 March 2006 by
Rounded corners with CSS is a web design method that has received lots of attention and many different solutions have been suggested. The Nifty Corners method (now in its third generation) uses no images and some clever JavaScript to achieve the effect….
Running Windows and Mac on the same PC
20 March 2006 by
The BBC reports that getting an Apple Mac to run Windows XP has been achieved. How long before this becomes a commercial product? This sounds like a sure-fire winner to me. I would buy one.
CSS tools and tips
13 March 2006 by
The Soxiam website has a very useful collection of CSS tools, How To articles and more advanced CSS/JavaScript code examples.
CSS layouts help
10 March 2006 by
There is a learning curve associated with moving from tables-based layouts to entirely CSS-based websites. Speaking from personal experience, the most difficult aspect was getting the layout to work. CSS layout example websites can help.
News on the vine
04 March 2006 by
Newsvine is a ‘news website’ that was recently launched. However, although news is the main theme, it’s actually a bit of a social community website as well. Here’s our short review.
Let your feet do the work?
02 March 2006 by
The BBC reports that Microsoft are developing a foot pad that will enable you to perform common computer actions using your feet
Creating different CSS styles using the body tag
28 February 2006 by
It’s sometimes useful to have different styles for different website pages. Perhaps to highlight a particular aspect of the page. Well, CSS provides a neat way to do this. For example, the navigation tags (above right) are highlighted differently depending on the section of the website.
RSS - really simple surfing
24 February 2006 by
Problogger has published a good article explaining RSS feeds and web content syndication. In other words, pushing out web content to your website readers.
Applying fade effects with Fireworks
19 February 2006 by
Macromedia Fireworks (now part of Adobe) is a sometimes underrated programme but we think it’s great for creating sliced web layouts and for image manipulation. One of the tools available is a quick and easy way to apply fade effects to a bitmap image or image object.
A better search engine - part 2
15 February 2006 by
An earlier post described and how it can be used as a search engine. In the article, it was interesting to speculate about user bookmarks as a way of rating website search results
BMW blacklisted by Google
07 February 2006 by
The BMW group has been blacklisted by Google for using 'doorway' pages in order to influence search results. Naughty.
A better search engine than Google?
06 February 2006 by is a well-known website that enables its users to post and share websites that they like. It’s a public bookmarking service or “a collection of favorites – yours and everyone else’s”. In some ways, it’s a better search engine than Google.
Where to put AdSense on your blog
31 January 2006 by
Google has published an article called Blogtimize which provides information about the best AdSense placements for blogs.
New CSS web standards book
31 January 2006 by
There are some good CSS web design books out at the moment and another one is about to hit the shelves.
Website layouts for maximum profit from AdSense
26 January 2006 by
How to make the most money from your website with Google AdSense is a question that is often asked by AdSense publishers.
Are websites more difficult today?
24 January 2006 by
At the start of the Internet era (~1996), web designers charged lots of money for websites. Some businesses made a success of their website and some did not. Hey, it was all new. Therefore, prices were high and websites were perceived as difficult/technical.
Impressions count
16 January 2006 by
The BBC reports that web users make up their minds about website quality in a fraction of a second. Blimey, not much time to make an impact!
Validate HTML with a Firefox extension
13 January 2006 by
Have you ever wanted to validate your HTML whilst previewing web pages on your PC? Are you curious about the HTML validity of other websites? Now you can do both using this Firefox extension.
Improving your RSS feed
09 January 2006 by
Recently, we changed the RSS feeds on this blog to the Feedburner versions. So far so good. We'll report back on our experiences in a few months.
Does Google have a spellcheck?
06 January 2006 by
One of the best methods (we think) for getting to the top of Google is to write good website content on a frequent basis (let’s say, update your website once a week). Does Google reward websites that are well-written with good punctuation and no spelling errors? Does Google have a spellcheck?
CSS showcase websites
03 January 2006 by
Interested in looking at other CSS website designs? There are several ‘showcase websites’ that do the job.