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Why use web standards?

Posted on by Clive Walker in CSS Web Standards

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

Roger Johansson at 456 Berea Street has published Ten reasons to learn and use web standards.

There are some good points here but, in our experience, most small business owners with websites will probably only care (rightly or wrongly) about these two:

#6. Improve search engine rankings
#3. Maximise the number of potential visitors

Hey – that's good enough isn't it!

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  • 09 Dec 2005 20:14:05

    You’re right it is. Spot on!

    One problem I do find with the design community is that they focus on design, and lose, what I deem, is the real focus of what a website should do.

    And that’s serve the business.

    Websites should being a marketing tool, lower administration, increase communications, add sales channels, lower advertising costs and I’m sure there’s more.

    Web standards are fundamental but to a business it’s an added investment, an area of clarity that often get’s missed.

  • 10 Dec 2005 09:07:14

    Agreed then!

    One ‘problem’ with web standards is explaining why this matters to non-technical business owners. However, ‘more visitors, better search engine listings’ is usually understood.

  • 24 Jan 2006 18:17:23

    ”…the real focus of what a website should do. And that’s serve the business.”

    Should it also serve a business’ clients and customers, or how about a company’s board members or investors. If those people can’t access a website it does the business no good. It’s a good idea to have SOMEONE in the company who does understand these issues and who cares about them.

    A business owner should think a little beyond just a ton of visitors, but should think more about what kind of visitors and how to keep them browsing and reading… then to keep them coming back.

    Without an appreciation for EVERY aspect of design, a business owner may find he has a million hits and a million visitors – which is a bad thing (they hit one page and leave).

  • 24 Jan 2006 18:36:45

    Natalie, I agree with what you say re visitors. Quality is better than quantity for sure.

    I’d also agree that attracting repeat visitors with the addition of new website content is preferable. However, this does not always happen with some small businesses!

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