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Trying out Audioboo and VoiceBo

Posted on by Clive Walker in Personal

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

I've joined Audioboo and VoiceBo which are apps/websites that allow you to make short audiologs/recordings via your desktop or mobile phone. Part of the reason for joining was to try something new but also I wanted to take part in #audiomo for November.

Here I am on Audioboo and on VoiceBo. I've found pros and cons for each app, and I may write a post on this, but so far I've used Audioboo most. Not because I think it's better but mainly because I started with it before VoiceBo.

It's been quite a challenge and also an enjoyable experience to record something every day. Here's one of my previous 'boos' where I talk about Horsham Coworking as well as Windows 8.

I wouldn't say that I have a recording career in me (!) but I'm intending to complete the #audiomo challenge for November and will probably continue with Audioboo/VoiceBo after that as well.

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