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jQuery: Novice to Ninja from Sitepoint

Posted on by Clive Walker in Books JavaScript

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

jQuery: Novice to Ninja I am reading a new jQuery book from Sitepoint at the moment. It's called jQuery: Novice to Ninja and it promises to take you from beginner to expert. If you have copied and pasted jQuery code up to now without thinking or knowing how it works, this book could be for you! The book covers a whole range of examples so it's also very good for intermediates. I have used some of the code from the first chapters already!

The book weighs in at just over 400 pages and is divided into nine chapters that start with the basics of jQuery, and its use for selecting, decorating and enhancing your HTML, and moving on to chapters about, for example, animations, images and slideshows, menus, tabs, and tooltips, and Ajax. The book also includes a final chapter on creating a jQuery plugin and advanced methods for extending jQuery.

I'll post a more in depth review when I have read through the whole book.

Downloads: Get sample chapters from JQuery Novice to Ninja with this free download • The code archive from the book is also available.

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