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Internet Explorer 9 is coming

Posted on by Clive Walker in News CSS3

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

Internet Explorer 9 has been released in beta form with a full release due in the next few months. As a web designer and front end developer, I've been looking forward to the new browser because it promises to support more CSS3 properties than IE8. Many of these properties have been supported by other browsers, such as Firefox, Safari and Chrome, for some time – so we are now getting to a stage where a lot of CSS3 methods and properties will be visible across a wider range of browsers. Hurrah!

Impressive Webs has summarised the CSS3 support in IE9 and it's great to see properties like border-radius, box-shadow, opacity and RGB(a) colours supported. Of course, your design will determine whether you decide to use border-radius for rounded corners or box-shadow for subtle shadow effects but I predict a big increase in usage of these over the next year or so. Even if these do not make it into your final designs, the ease in which you can try them out and show to clients makes a great deal of sense. Of course, you could use these properties before now, and I know that websites need not look the same in all browsers, but I've always had problems convincing clients that some design elements would only be visible to a relatively small audience. Not any more.

Previously: CSS3 box-shadow and image hover effects · Making circles with CSS3 border-radius

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  • 04 Oct 2010 17:34:08

    So many web designers have been praying for the demise of IE6 with each release of IE since 7 but so far, for whatever reason you choose to believe, this has not happened.

    Hopefully, thanks to the fact it looks likely to be a much, much better browser and is likely to be heavily pushed by Microsoft, IE9 will finally rid us of IE6…and then we can instantly mourn it as a quirky nostalgic friend!

    IE6 apart, IE9 is exciting thanks to its CSS3 support and other features that hopefully give Mozilla a shake to get Firefox back on track.

  • 07 Oct 2010 10:23:01

    Hear hear! If IE9 is more compatible with CSS3 it is a true blessing – as a newbie to web design I totally agree that making websites compatible with previous IE versions is a pain (but obviously know it’s essential for sites to display correctly on all web platforms) – so I guess although IE9 may be the one – we need need the consumers to use it and leave IE 6, 7 & 8 in past! Good Post

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