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Advent calendar websites for web developers

Posted on by Clive Walker in News Web Development

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

This is the time of year when online advent ‘calendars’ spring to life. As a web designer/developer, I don’t mean those nice pictorial calendars that we give to children but instead websites that publish an article a day for the first 24 days of December. Here are three that are aimed at geeks, developers, or web designers.

24Ways is the “the advent calendar for web geeks” published by UK web development agency The website started in 2005 and it features articles that cover a range of web design and development topics.

With a narrower subject range, Stoyan Stefanov from has started an advent calendar about website performance. It features articles such as Performance tools and Reducing the number of page components that will help you learn more about improving your website performance.

PHPAdvent is for the PHP developer and aims to publish “tips, tricks, and tidbits to usher in the new year” including articles such as Do URLs matter and You Really Need to Learn JavaScript.

All three websites deserve praise and credit for all the hard work that goes into publishing one article every day until Christmas. I know I’ll be visiting them regularly for inspiration and some good reading.

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